Foundation Problems

Common Foundation Problems in Baltimore & Delmarva

We provide expert foundation repair for all types of foundation problems

No homeowner wants to deal with a foundation problem, especially since many people associate foundation repair with expensive and invasive projects. However, correctly identifying a foundation problem before it becomes too severe is the key to limiting the scope of the damage.

At DryZone, LLC, our foundation repair experts are trained to carefully evaluate all aspects of your foundation to identify any problems and the correct source of the damage. Whether you have a problem with your foundation walls, slab floor, or any other issues, we have a custom solution designed to suit your needs.

If you've seen cracks in your floors or walls, have tilted foundation walls, or have observed any other signs of foundation damage, give us a call today at 1-302-240-4086 to learn more about how we can help you. We offer free estimates on all our foundation repair services in Balitimore, Wilmington, Lewes, Berlin, Easton and throughout the surrounding areas in Delaware & Maryland.

foundation wall cracks

Foundation Wall Problems

Common signs of a foundation wall problem include stair step cracking, inward tilting, and bowing or buckling.

foundation floor problems

Floor Problems

Floor cracks, separation between walls and floors, and sagging or bouncy walls and floors all indicate a foundation problem.

foundation soil problems

Soil Problems

The soils surrounding your home have a huge impact on the long term stability and condition of your foundation.

additional foundation problems

Additional Problems

We can handle all types of foundation issues, including street creep damage and tilting chimneys.

Our expert foundation repair starts with a thorough inspection

At DryZone, LLC, we have effective, warrantied solutions for foundation problems of all types, and we have the training, techniques, and top-quality products you need to permanently solve your problem. Our foundation repair professionals will identify the right solution for your needs and provide you with a quality installation that completely solves the problem.

If you're having a foundation repair problem in your home, call us today at 1-302-240-4086 or contact us online to get the help you need. As your local foundation repair experts, we offer free estimates on all our work in Baltimore, Wilmington, Lewes, Berlin, Easton, Middletown, Newark, Rehoboth Beach, Wilmington, Bear, Dover, Salisbury and throughout the surrounding areas.

Looking for a price? Get a no cost, no obligation free estimate.