Before & After

Concrete Lifting and Leveling Before & After Photos

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No More Tripping Hazard Before the Stairs in California, MD

When soil settlement occurs it can lead to uncomfortable, or even dire stations like the one seen here. This tripping hazard which was located right before the stairs down to the basement could have been a very dangerous situation. Sinking concrete sidewalks just like this are easily fixed with very little time and disruptions utilizing PolyLevel. Our crew injected the PolyLevel foam from above, thru the sidewalk slab and lifted this sidewalk.  Now these homeowners have safe access to their basement and the could not be more happy with the work done by DryZone.

PolyLevel Porch in Rock Hall, MD

The porch in Rock Hall, MD is experiencing a large crack and sinking slab by the stairs and the front door of the home. This is a significant problem for the homeowners because they are upset with the appearance of the sinking slab as well as concerned about the danger it may cause. DryZone injected PolyLevel into the sinking slab and the concrete raised back to the original height with a fifteen minute cure time. 

Beautiful Sinking Patio

This beautiful patio was sinking and causing a tripping hazard!

Bozman, MD Recovery with PolyLevel

The homeowners in Bozman, MD are extremely satisfied with their completed deck behind their beautiful home. There are no longer cracks and sinking concrete on their deck for them to worry about. DryZone injected the PolyLevel foam to repair the concrete and the area looks brand new! 

As you can see from the pictures, the concrete deck was an eye-sore for the homeowners. Why should anyone be embarrassed about their home? Now they have no reason to worry about the appearance or safety issues because DryZone repaired their worries with PolyLevel!  

PolyLevel Porch in Centreville, MD

This porch in Centreville, MD has sinking slabs. The best solution was to use PolyLevel Foam to raise and level the slab.