FlexiSpan is installed to fill and seal the crack in the basement wall

Extensive Crack
The crack runs from the top of the ceiling all the way down

Behind Studs
Part of the crack runs behind the stud. We will need to remove the stud and wood in and around the area in order to repair the crack properly

Entirety of the Crack
This is no small crack. Water damage has already occurred and needs to be fixed before water can do any further damage

Water Stains
You can see water has come through the cracks and stained the cement wall.

Stud Removal
We are going to have to remove the stud/wood in the picture so that we can properly apply FlexiSpan

Stopping the Water
The homeowner needed to line the floor with towels in order to stop water from coming into the home any further

Wall Crack
Close up image of the wall crack that stem from the ceiling all the way down to the floor