Press Release


Barry Adkins

Marketing Advisor

DryZone, LLC


[email protected]

2017 Talk of the Town Award Winner

DryZone was awarded with a 5 out of 5 star rating in Excellence in Customer Satisfaction by Talk of the Town

For the sixth consecutive year, DryZone is honored to be awarded a perfect five out of five star ranking by The Talk Awards of Delaware. The Talk Awards assembles online reviews, comments to social networks and business ratings to measure customer satisfaction. 

DryZone earns awards throughout the year for various reasons, but the awards from direct customer feedback are the most treasured. Since first opening their doors in 2006, DryZone's mission has always been to focus on the homeowner and strive for total customer satisfaction. Each member of Team DryZone prides themselves in putting the homeowner first and being active problem solvers.

DryZone will always put customer service at the top of its priority list. Providing valuable services, from waterproofing basements and transforming crawl spaces, to repairing unstable and sagging foundations means nothing if the homeowners aren't happy with the process and results. It is great to see that they are!.



DryZone awarded 5 of 5 stars in Customer Service